Herniated disc is a back pain disorder or a spinal condition where the spinal discs between each vertebral body becomes dry or dehydrated with age and as a result becomes more prone to injury as well as less supportive. Also known as slipped disc, bulging disc and pinched nerve, this spinal disorder is very common and may be or may not be accompanied by obvious symptoms. However, pinched nerve or tearing of the annulus may cause the patient to suffer from back pain or neck pain.

Causes & Symptoms of Herniated Discs
As mentioned above, the symptoms of herniated disc may not always be obvious. However, there are certain common symptoms that a patient may suffer from including:
- Back or neck pain caused by tearing of the annulus
- Numbness and weakness in the legs and arms due to pinched nerves
- Leg or arm pain
- Lower back pain that may radiate down to both or one leg
Herniated disc is a disorder that is usually associated with age. The main cause of this problem is when the spinal discs present between the vertebral bodies become dehydrated due to age. The disc is made of annulus or the outer part of the disc and the nucleus pulpous that is the jelly like inner core of the disc. Herniated disc is caused when nucleus breaks through the outer tissue.
Getting Treatment for a Herniated Disc
The treatment process starts with the diagnosing a herniated disc by a back doctor. Once he is sure that the patient is suffering from this problem, he usually recommends non-surgical treatment options that include medications like NSAIDs, physical therapy, chiropractic care and epidural steroid injections.
Back surgery is only considered as an option when conservative treatment fail to provide the patient any relief from his symptoms.
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